Convert wallet addresses to
ENS and Twitter handles

Diagram illustrating how Kamoona converts blockchain wallet addresses into Twitter handles
Saasland screen example

Upload your wallet addresses and get ENS & Twitter accounts emailed to you in a .csv

Tip: make sure that the wallet addresses are in the first column and the column is named (see walkthrough).
saasland feature image

Know exactly who is engaging in your community.

Know your collectors, supporters, and how to contact them to build a data-driven community.

saasland feature image

Bridge the gap between Web3 & Web2 data.

Gone are the days of having to have separate operations and projects. Know your customers across the board.

saasland feature image

Build a persona for targeting and continued growth.

Know your customer persona in order to continue targeting the right people for your project or business.

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Only pay for what you get.

$0.50 per
Twitter handle.

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Get 30% for each twitter handle.
